Following on from Thursday's post on How To Wear Head-To-Toe Black, three of my best friends and all-time biggest noir dressers weigh-in on why it works, when it works and how it should be done.
"I don’t own many black clothes. I have quite a few black tops, jumpers and some shorts but it's not an overpowering colour in my wardrobe, I think because I try to wear tones that flatter my colouring. I look for clothes which won't wash me out or make me look too pale or make my skin too pink, which is always a major worry. I tend to wear deep colours such as navy or dark green because I know they suit me." - Lucinda

"I don’t own many black clothes. I have quite a few black tops, jumpers and some shorts but it's not an overpowering colour in my wardrobe, I think because I try to wear tones that flatter my colouring. I look for clothes which won't wash me out or make me look too pale or make my skin too pink, which is always a major worry. I tend to wear deep colours such as navy or dark green because I know they suit me." - Lucinda
"I have really pale skin but dark hair and dark eyes, I'm half Moroccan, which isn't what people associate with wearing all black but I think the 'blonde-hair-black-clothes' thing is a bit of a myth to be honest. It just doesn't matter, it's universally flattering. As long as you like it and you feel confident that's all that counts." - Eve
"As crazy as it sounds I think colours can wash me out a bit so I know I can never go wrong with all black. All the nicest clothes you see in shops generally seem to be black and it's also slimming." [editor's note: Megan is naturally the thinnest person in the entire world, and having clothes that are 'slimming' is not her concern]. - Megan
"When I go clubbing I ALWAYS wear black because if I’m feeling chubby or self-conscious about my body then I know it draws focus to my face instead. I like to look subtle and elegant when I’m out." - Lucinda
"I think with dressing all in black, for me, it's just easy. I know that I'll be comfortable and I can just throw anything together and it works. The versatility is great because it just translates into any situation. It's smart and sexy and casual and chilled and mysterious all at the same time, it just always works and I don't think there's a single other colour that can do that." - Eve
"Well, black goes with everything and when I spill food down myself, which happens a lot, it doesn't show up. That's probably not an answer you were expecting eh?" - Megan
"One reason I have so many black tops in particular is because I'll just add jewellery and then they off-set each other perfectly. It just emphasises the colours of whatever accessories I chose to wear that day." - Lucinda
"It's a neutral colour, you can wear it anywhere without being garish, like if you were wearing neon... which I don't because I just wear black all the time. Also it contrasts with my light skin tone and blonde hair." - Megan
"With the fashion crowd now everyone's young and they're wearing all black and I kind of feel like you should have fun at this age if you love fashion. Like I do love clothes and fashion but it's not my life so I find it surprising when the creative people wear all black. It's like being subtly fashionable without being show-offy or trying to stand out too much, which is the complete opposite of what everyone was doing before!" - Eve
"My main black item of clothing is my coat which I work my outfit around and black goes with black, so I usually just do that because it's easy. Like when I'm in a shop looking at what to buy if I see something nice that's pastel I won't buy it because you have to plan out what to wear it with. Black items on the other hand will always be okay because I'll always have something to wear with them." - Megan
"I don’t think everyone can get away with wearing all black because its just too dark. You should wear colours suited to you, not colours which are easy, however saying that I'm planning to buy a black coat next week because it’s a really pretty length and shape. I think I try to wear and buy black so much because it emphasises any other colours which you choose to wear and you can't really escape the fact that when it's done right, the whole black thing is so chic." - Lucinda
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