The world has watched as Olympian and Kardashian-clan member Bruce Jenner revealed what had been suspected for years; Bruce was in fact a woman living in a man's body. Now, in an exclusive with Vanity Fair, Caitlyn Jenner has finally been freed. And she looks beautiful.
After living with a secret for years, Caitlyn has been unleashed to the world in a series of stunning photographs shot by Annie Leibovitz - although we only get a sneak peek of the others. But she isn't just using her media attention for vanity - Caitlin tells VF she plans to use her new E! series to 'focus on ways of lowering the rates of suicide and attempted suicide in the transgender community'.
A short sneak peek of the shoot was released by Vanity Fair on YouTube, featuring Annie Leibovitz clicking away as Caitlyn is primped and preened by hair and makeup. We can only hope she is now as happy in her skin as she deserves, and from the following preview, it looks like she is.
Thomas xx
Photo and video via Vanity Fair/YouTube
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