

It could all just be one big publicity stunt. I mean, was anyone's first thought 'wow, she really earns that'. Maybe not, but nonetheless the worlds most famously fabulous party girl was given a highly coveted role as a fashion editor at British Vogue. Kate Moss just so happens to be one of my favourite models and no one can deny her status in fashion (33 Vogue covers under her belt and undoubtably more to come) but does that mean she qualifies as a fashion editor? Yes, I think it does. The women is a phenomenon. She's one of the most longstanding models in fashion history and has more experience wearing clothes than practically anyone. For this reason alone I have a good feeling about Moss as a fashion editor. Even if this shot released by Vogue of Daria Werbowy styled by Moss doesn't fill me with much hope;

It's all a bit student fashion photography/teenage angsty for Vogue I feel. Hopefully the rest of the shoot will be an improvement.

Toramarra xoxo

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