

I checked my bank balance on my phone today, as I usually do, and stopped short. I had three quid. We have an expression in my flat for when we're truly broke. 'No dollah' slips into the conversation more than it should for a group of (mostly) English kids, but right now it has never been more accurate. The slight problem with being a fashion student is that consumerism is kinda the in thing; every time I pass a Zara store my heart skips a beat.

Shopping is a pretty regular pass time amongst LCFers; when you study near a massive shopping centre and live a few tube stops from Oxford Street its just something to do. It just so happens that this is more of the window shopping variety, a very look-but-don't-touch affair. The question is, is window shopping fun or just torture?

The beautiful French girl I'm with in the photos is Clara, my course-mate/soulmate. You can just tell she's French from the photos, can't you? I think its the hair. These pics were taken in H&M during one of these very look-but-don't-touch occasions, we didn't buy anything at the time but I later bought the navy suit on sale for less than the average family's pizza order. 

Despite this outing, Clara definitely leans towards the hate end of the love-hate spectrum. "I think it depends on the mood you're in, if you're looking for inspiration then its great. But if you desperately want to change your wardrobe but you know you can't really afford to spend anything, its crap, because if you see nice things that you know would fit you so well and look so perfect but you can't get them. Well, thats just sad."

The topic really does make me wonder. Why do we put ourselves through the heartache of finding, say, the perfect jacket only to dejectedly leave it on the hanger, mind consumed with how great it would have looked with various items in your closet on the tube ride home? My flatmates were of opposing views when they saw me writing this.

"I like internet window shopping, if that helps" - Elsa.

"I don't, if that helps" - Scarlet.

Brilliant insight. When it comes down to it, window shopping requires great willpower accompanied by the ability to say no. Ironically it seems that the people who would be best at it are those who have little to no interest in shopping in the first place. For us poor as hell students, it really can be a sad way of life. Right now I'm in the 'fun' camp but how long that will last is highly questionable, especially since I don't trust myself with an overdraft. Nevertheless, when desperate times come, desperate measures must be taken... there's always the sale section of H&M, right? I'll just be over there for now.

Tom xx

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