

Without jinxing it or anything, by this date next month I should have slept my first night in my new room in London, where I'll be moving to attend the London College of Fashion.
Obligatory awkward UAL sign selfie. On Sunday my dad and I travelled up to London to have a look around my accommodation (we were able to sneak in pretty easily when a resident walked out, which doesn't say much for the security but still...) and its nice, I have to say. To be honest it should well be for the price. We looked around the area I'll be living in which I'm pleased to say looks very nice, and took the tube to my future college. What a wonderfully proactive semi-tourist day out. My outfit was pretty simple and practical for all the walking, yet I still managed to stick out as much as humanly possible.
The future is looking bright at the moment, totally riddled with debt and financial ruin, but bright non the less. Lets just hope it all pans out and in a month's time, I'll be coming to you from London town.

xoxo Toramarra

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